Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fun times!!!

Well, Kev and I have had a great time living life. Here are just a couple of memories that have been awesome. Clockwise-Costco. I have learned that you must always carry a camera handy, yes, even at Costco! You never know when there might be a Karaoke night there! We sang Everybody loves Kung-Fu Fighting! We only know maybe 1 line of the whole song, but you better believe that we got those roundhouse kicks down! Yup. Next, the guys playing football. That was fun. They didn't win the championship, but, sigh, they are champs to us. Cheesy, I know. Right beneath that is when we got a bunch of girls together to go to the pumpkin patch. That was fun. Afterward, we headed to this place and had ginormous cinnamon rolls. Yum. The last two pictures are of when we went to Riverfront Park. It was a gorgeous day-perfect. The kids ran around and we took awesome pictures of how beautiful it was outside. Fall trees. Spokane definitely has a beautiful fall!


  1. Love the beautiful pictures-- wow- it's so beautiful there! That's where Andy grew up (Spokane), so when I told him you guys were there, he's totally jealous :) Sounds like you've had a great time there-- good luck with all that's ahead-- I can't wait to hear where you end up!

  2. Seriously, a family picture and pretty fall leaves... you are like OFFICIAL blogger woman!

  3. Yea, now I can know whats going on in your life:) You guys are already leaving Spokane, Crazy!! Time goes by so fast. Glad you had so much fun, and I'm thinking Utah is sounding PRREETTYY GOOD! Maybe, oh I don't know, Logan area?
