Thursday, December 2, 2010

Goodbye Spokane...You've been good to us!

Well, it is so weird that we are finally going to be done with this phase of life. Each new phase of life that we start and finish gets weirder. I hate saying goodbye. I guess it means I am growing up. Lame, I know. I'm a 25 year old with 2 kids for crying out loud! That sounds like I should be an adult already but secretly I still want to have sleep-over's with my friends...well, actually not a secret. I still want to build snow forts and have snow ball fights. I guess that is why I think I will miss this place that I thought I would never miss. Kev and I met friends here who we could be kids with. Yup, we would play games till it was passed our bed time, we would ask each other dumb questions like, if you could have super hero powers, which ones would you have and why? Friends make all the difference. Friends make it worth it. Some of our friends are done with school too and have moved already. We leave next, and then our other friends will leave soon after. Who knows where everyone will end up. I felt the same way when I left Rexburg, Idaho, after Kev and I graduated from there. I guess that is what life is all about! Change! Anyone want to tell Kev and I where we are going?


  1. You are going to Utah! Yay! Decision made easy, your welcome.

  2. haha..thanks for making the hard decision for us. P.S. Can you find us a job too?

  3. Don't listen to the Zion die hards! San Francisco is CALLING your name! I'm so proud of you for blogging!!!! It gave me my Rachel fix for the morning... you know... like coffee... if I drank coffee.
